



赌博游戏网站 is a student-centered, comprehensive university. 它致力于为每个学生提供基于统一优秀的文科核心的学术课程,以增强关键个人技能的结构化发展.

大学的目标是培养具有分析性和创造性思维的毕业生, and to write and speak effectively.

课堂内外的体验都注重学生的积极参与和学术赌博游戏网站的实际应用,从而实现终身学习. 科克衡量其成功的标准是所有学术团体成员所享有的个人和专业成就.


你想成为什么样的人? 在科克, 你将加入一个随时准备支持你的社区,帮助你弄清楚你想做什么,你最终想成为什么样的人. From academics to arts and athletics, our outstanding programs help you grow, 连接, 探索, 并蓬勃发展.

赌博游戏网站 is a student-focused, private liberal arts college located in Hartsville, 南卡罗来纳. Coker combines round table, 以讨论为基础的学习与实践经验,以促进课堂内外的积极参与. 我们的参与, 紧密联系的社区为学生提供了达到个人最佳水平所需的信心和技能, 在大学及以后.

成立于1908年, 赌博游戏网站是一所授予学士和硕士学位的大学,参加了24项NCAA二级体育运动. Redefining undergraduate reSearch, 库克学生参加当地和地区会议和比赛,引领劳动力和其他领域的变革. Our students go on to be leaders in industry, government, and the military. They lead companies, not-for-profits, and battalions.


作为眼镜蛇家庭的一员,意味着你可以自由地创造适合你兴趣的大学体验,享受紧密联系的社区的舒适,以支持你的成功. It means you get an education that is exceptional in quality, proven in 领导 development, 成本也可以承受. 这意味着生活在一个充满历史和自然奇观的城市,有精品店和小镇的感觉. 加入我们,了解为什么科克是开始你的领导之旅和成功人生的正确地方.


Cobras design their future

赌博游戏网站 is focused on your success. 你就是我们在这里的原因. We respect where you come from, we celebrate where you are in life, and we are committed to your future and 领导 development. 我们的使命是帮助你确定你的道路,实现你未来的梦想和目标.

从我们灵活的学位选择到发展你的学术赌博游戏网站的文科核心, 以及领导能力, we are here to give you a superior education and college experience.

We measure success by the mark our students make on this world. 我们的共同愿望是成为您庆祝个人和专业领导一生的跳板. 科克为你未来的成功奠定了坚实的基础,我们迫不及待地想看到你能飞得多高.


赌博游戏网站的课程设计使你能够扩展自己的赌博游戏网站,并以有意义的方式与其他学生交流, 教员, 以及整个世界.

We built our programs around a Round Table Learning model, an approach that compels a culture of excellence, 同理心, enthusiasm and a classroom focused on building leaders. 学生参与和互动讨论的机会提供了一个独特的课堂体验,你可以分享想法, develop communication and collaboration skills, 在自信中成长.

在科克, you won’t be lost in the back of a large lecture hall. 我们的小班结构和支持性的校园环境旨在创造有意义的交流. 通过学习, 工作, 一起成长, you’ll define what being a leader means to make the world a better place.

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赌博游戏网站 Board of Trustees Extends Dr. Natalie Harder’s Contract Through 2030



McLeod Health Partners with 赌博游戏网站 on Nursing Education Program

As a partner in nursing education for the region, McLeod Health has made a contribution of $75,000到赌博游戏网站



赌博游戏网站, a student-focused private Liberal Arts College located in Hartsville, SC, recently selected Creative D…

Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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